
Myanmar only openned it's doors to tourism in 2011. It's rich history spans more than 13,000 years. It is a country of suprizing bueaty and contrast and a very friendly and kind people. We traveled to Myanmar in the Summer of 2018, visiting the spirital city of Bagan, famous for its more than 4000 Buddhist temples and pagodoas built between the 11th and 13th century, before traveling back to the economic capital of Yangon. 

Burma's Historical period is believed to have started around 1500BCE along the Irawaddy River. The 9th Century was a prominent period under the Bagan (Pagan) Kingdom who succeeded in unifying the region by the mid 1000's, until they succumbed to the Mongol's. The Kingdom was later reunified for a short period of time in the 1500's. In the early 19th Century, the British started imperializing Burma and gained full control by 1885, making the region an Indian Provence. The Japanese invaded the country in 1942 and stayed until they were expelled  in 1945. Shortly after the war Aung San negotiated Burma's independence from Britain. After a period of democracy, the military took over the government in 1962 and only started sharing power in 2010. 

Bagan, Myanmar 2018

Yangon, Myanmar 2018 =>

Bagan 2018

Shwezigon Pagoda and nearby Bagan temples 2018

Old Bagan 2018

Shwedagon Pagoada, Yangon 2018

Yangon 2018

Yangon 2018